Prevention and care - Tips for sleeping well in hot weather- health in summer

Tips for sleeping well in hot weather

Tips for sleeping well in hot weather

Summer is here and you have trouble falling asleep? High temperatures and changes in habits make it difficult, in many cases, to sleep.


Do not miss the following tips to be able to sleep well on very hot nights. Take note!

With the arrival of good weather, and especially during the summer months, in many cities it is very difficult to fall asleep . There are times when the temperatures do not drop enough to feel comfortable at bedtime, and there are cases in which this discomfort can cause insomnia , also known as summer insomnia.


To try to avoid this discomfort, there are many home remedies and tricks that people use. We recommend some tips with which you will be able to fall asleep on hot summer nights. Are you going to miss it?


Tips for sleeping well in hot weather

good hydration

Tips for sleeping well in hot weather  good hydration

One of the most important aspects at any time of the year, and even more so during the hottest months of the year, is hydration . If we find ourselves with a hot day, we should drink at least 3 liters of water during the day so that the body stays hydrated at night.

Foods for better sleep

Tips for sleeping well in hot weather- Foods for better sleep

Keep in mind that there are certain foods that help you sleep better . Foods with few fats and calories are the most suitable for falling asleep. Saturated fats need a lot of water for absorption, so it's best to leave them out for dinner.

Avoid certain drinks before bed

Tips for sleeping well in hot weather- Avoid certain drinks before bed

Just as there are certain foods that are not recommended for this type of situation, alcohol, caffeine and energy drinks can also influence sleep. So the ideal is to avoid the consumption of these drinks, your body will thank you!

sleeping posture

Tips for sleeping well in hot weather- sleeping posture

It may seem silly, but posture can also influence when it comes to falling asleep. If we choose to sleep on our side , we will have less part of the body on the sheets, so the sensation of heat will be less.

Fans in the room

Tips for sleeping well in hot weather- Fans in the room

Fans can be used in the bedroom to cool the room . However, it is important not to place them directly in front of the person. It can be placed on one side of the room and it will cool the environment, but if possible, it is better not to use the air conditioner.

ventilate the room

Tips for sleeping well in hot weather- ventilate the room

It is useless to follow the above advice if the room in which we are going to sleep is not well ventilated. Before going to sleep, take the opportunity to remove the heat that may have accumulated during the day. Also, at noon, it is recommended to lower the blinds in the bedroom.

Avoid exercising before bed

Tips for sleeping well in hot weather- Avoid exercising before bed

If we exercise before bed, our body will be more active. This will make it more difficult to sleep, and more so if it is also hot. What the specialists recommend is to opt for some relaxation exercise, meditate...

A shower before bed

Tips for sleeping well in hot weather- A shower before bed

A shower with warm water can help us fall asleep. Our body will have a greater and more lasting sensation of freshness and it will be much easier to sleep. A 5-minute shower will be enough to achieve that sensation we are looking for. Do the test!

the clothes to sleep

Tips for sleeping well in hot weather- the clothes to sleep

The clothes we use to sleep is a factor that affects a lot. It should be comfortable clothing and it is recommended that it be made of cotton. It may seem strange, but cotton helps to absorb perspiration correctly and does not cause excessive sweating.
Surely with these simple tips you will find it easier to fall asleep during very hot summer nights. Also, if we add some natural remedy with relaxing medicinal plants to these tips, we will surely have no problems. Enjoy a pleasant break during the summer months!
From Hogarmania we recommend that, for any questions that may arise, do not hesitate to consult your family doctor or a specialist professional.
